Do you use cloth incontinence products, but feel like you're missing something? Like it's not going as well as it could be?


Download your free Get the Most From Your Cloth Incontience Products Roadmap below!

Alecia has always  been there to help me with my incontinence choices. 

She has always given me excellent advice and product choices.

                                                          - Gary

I first purchased incontinence supplies form Alecia about five years ago. I have special fitting needs. She was willing to have mulitple conversations about what was needed and what would work. She is amazingly helpful. It has made a huge difference in my life.                                                                                      - Jon                     

This is perhaps the BEST adult diaper shop/seller on Etsy. Definitely the whole shopping experience has been better than others. She is clear and consice in her communication. She doesn't try to put on a huge sales pitch trying to sell you anything. She CLEARLY explains everything, offers suggestions an is PATIENT in giving a customer time to make choices & decisions.                                                                                                                               

- Etsy buyer review

Right Now...


- You've taken the plunge and bought some cloth incontinence products, but aren't sure how to fully incorporate them into life.


- You don't want to give up using cloth incontinence products, but you're so tired of dealing with inconvenient leaks.


- You want to use better products, but aren't sure where to find them.

You're ready to feel...


- Back in control of your body.


- Like you know how to handle and prevent leaks.


- Confident in your cloth incontinence routine from wearing, to washing, to storing.

Ditch indecision and download your roadmap now!

Plus, avoid the three common mistakes that can derail the best of intentions.

Hi, I'm Alecia!


I help people like you and your loved ones walk through the process of figuring out how to make cloth incontinence products work for them. Over the past 6 years, I've created and sewn 1000+ products for folks and heard the staggering number of reasons why they deal with incontinence. My customers' insights and fortitude has taught me so much about their unique situations and the products that work.


Time and again, I've worked with people to help them troubleshoot common problems from managing and preventing leaks, to setting up a laundering and storing routine.


How people feel about their own or their loved ones' incontinence ranges from anger/frustration to benign acceptance. But no matter where they are on that spectrum, when people find a cloth product that looks good and works well, it gives them a boost of confidence.


The good news is, is that no matter where you are on that spectrum, cloth incontinence products can be a great solution and friendly to body, earth, and budget! 

                                                                                                                                  - Alecia

Ready to get started?

Download your free Get the Most From Your Cloth Incontinence Products Roadmap below!